
The Orchard of Berkeley Vale

                     Can you plant a rare  apple tree in your garden? This winter, Stroud Valleys Project is offering twenty five apple trees, to people in the Berkeley and Sharpness area. There will be five local varieties of apple: Ashmeads Kernel, Fon's Spring, Gloucestershire Underleaf,  Lake's Kernel, Rheads Reinette.   These Gloucestershire varieties are getting rarer, so planting them helps preserve this unique heritage, as well as supplying delicious local fruit. Planting and caring for an apple tree is a bit of  a commitment but it is very satisfying to watch it flower, grow and finally give fruit. It helps the wider environment too, from insects to birds, as well as the climate. The young trees will need watering in dry weather, and other care for which guidance can be supplied. This orchard scheme, facilitated by Stroud Valleys Project, is offering the trees, for a £10 donation towards the costs, so that we can continue our work. An aluminium label will also be av